Pear & Ginger tea

So yum! And easy.

Pears are really good to support our lungs. The colour white is associated with the lungs, meaning white food will have a therapeutic effect on the lungs (not white sugar). Pears are considered a major healing food - and they provide moister for the lungs. They also have the ability to clear heat and phlegm from the lungs - meaning they can speed up the healing if we suffer from a cold or flu. And as always, Chinese medicine is wonderful as a preventative medicine - and taking care of our lungs is important not just for our breathing - but because the lungs are said to command the qi for the whole body.

The soup, our maybe it should be called tea, because you drink it - can be made in different ways. I keep it super easy, like this:

2 large pears
Cut ginger, few slices
A bit of cinnamon
BOIL up and then simmer for about 30 min

If I have goji berries at home, I will add some of those.

The pears and herbs can be separated out before you drink. Or enjoy eating them, especially the goji berries.

You can add honey to sweeten the taste, if you want.

This soup is great as a warm addition to breakfast, as a snack, or just to sip like tea.

Combine this tea with acupressure on Ren 17 and you’re set up to help your lungs to clear out phlegm and stuck qi in the chest area!


akuYin® January 18, 2023


akuYin® January 12, 2023