Guasha, Immune system Sofie Ringsten Guasha, Immune system Sofie Ringsten

Fight your cold with guasha

Scraping for common cold is often done on the back, in between the shoulder blades. Since that´s not possible to do on yourself, I´ll focus on techniques for your chest and neck. This means you´ll still be able to cover areas connected to your lungs and respiration.

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Menopause, Women´s health Sofie Ringsten Menopause, Women´s health Sofie Ringsten

Bone health and menopause

See, bone health is not an old person’s problem. Caring for our bones is something we should consider already at young age, since our lifestyle have a huge impact on the health of our bones as we age. Because bones are living tissue. And they react not only to external forces, but to stress, the food we eat, as well as our emotions!

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Get rid of your bloated belly!

Anxiety from excess worry most often stems from spleen and stomach imbalance, and anxiety is seen as the spleen’s emotion. When we worry, we tend to digest some thoughts over and over again, having difficulties resolving or letting go of it. This can have a direct impact on our digestion.

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Sports, Injuries Sofie Ringsten Sports, Injuries Sofie Ringsten

Sports injury & recovery from a Chinese medicine perspective.

Injuries do happen, which as athletes we know too well. It's the risk we take to be able to do what we love. And when it does, we need to make sure that these inner movements of Qi, blood and fluids keep moving, even though we might be immobilized on some body parts. Because movement is life, circulation, and function. And what's my number one recommendation to stop messing-up one's flow? Stop with the ice.

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Diet, Digestion Sofie Ringsten Diet, Digestion Sofie Ringsten

Why smoothies are bad for your health

Throwing a bunch of things in a blender like veggies, fruits and maybe yoghurt might seem healthy, but is bad for your gut system. Throwing a bunch of ingredients to your digestive system all at once will make it hard for the organs to break down the food and make use of the nutrients. The best intentions can actually hurt you.

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